Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 26-Balance

I am guilty of getting caught up in the to-dos of life.  I wake up in the morning, and my eyes scan for projects-laundry that needs to get done, garbage that needs to get taken out.  In the evening, there are dishes to be done, clutter to be put away.  I’m constantly seeing projects.

And of course, in the middle me trying to accomplishing the to-dos, the ladies are always wanting attention.  A story that needs to be read, homework to be checked, a game to be played.  A moment.  They want a moment with their mama.

I’m going to let that sink in for a moment.  Every day, I have people who want to hang out with me.  I am truly blessed.  And it really is as simple as that.

Instead, I often struggle to find this balance.  The balance of the to-dos vs. living.  I feel that I am often at one end of the extreme, rarely in the middle.

So where was I today?  Closer to the middle. 

I spent some time tonight working on those to-dos and then hung out with the girls.  I asked Lucy if I could hang out with her while she played with her doll.  I love to watch them play.  To see the tender care she gives to her babies.  And I enjoyed the moment.

Some days I may be closer to that balance than others.  And those days when I am feeling guilty about being on the extreme of the to-dos, well, I need to ask for grace and move on.  I think that’s the best I can expect.  Hey, perfection doesn’t exist.


**On a sidenote, I wanted to let all of you know that I (hopefully) made it easier to leave comments on my posts by eliminating the “prove you are not a robot” option.  I did this because of some feedback on how difficult it was to read those prompts and leave comments.  I hope this helps!



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To start from the beginning, please visit this page for a full listing.


  1. That balance is hard, hard, hard. Sometimes I just don't want to sit with the girls and do nothing. I make myself though, and then I remember how much I love them.


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