Saturday, June 9, 2012

This Week’s Doings

What a crazy week!  I wanted to thank all of you for such kind comments about my new blog.

Here’s a glimpse of this week:

The girls started going to day camp a few days a week.  Obviously this is very tiring!

Billy took the girls to the new elephant habitat at the zoo.  This is actually a fake elephant in the picture.

Our outside eating adventures got a little wild!

I really think that Katy would make a good watermelon model.  Maybe we will put that on the list of possible career options.

I ran in a 5k (well, it was almost a 5k).  This is my version of carbo loading before race day.  I really hoped I wouldn't regret that brat.  I didn't.  Yay! 

I forgot to shave both of my legs in the shower, so I ran with one shaved leg and one unshaved leg.  Let’s be thankful that I took a picture of my beer instead.  I had a couple of these later to chase some ibuprofen.  Notice the plastic chair in the background?

Our dog, Jazz, tried a cherry.  She ate the seed which means that a cherry tree will start growing in her belly.

I found this picture on the camera.  The girls like to take pictures of the cat, Elwood Wilson.

 More evidence of this.  I wonder if he would make a good watermelon model…..

By the end of the week, we were all wiped out.  The girls had a bit of mindless tv watching after playing in the pool. 

I hope you had a great week! 

1 comment:

Be kind, not judgey